Dec 7, 2010

A step in the right direction

The Steps have been a month looooong process. First we ripped up the grimey old rug, below it was hard wood YEA! but it was totally destroyed NO! So we set off to try to figure out creative ways to keep it hardwood without showing the huge gashes and pieces out of the floor. 

We tried filling the holes. . . .

We tried sanding. . . .

This is the "I don't think this is working" face

So then we tried this idea of staining the step area and painting the outsides and undersides white . . .

In the steps defense EVERYTHING looks dirty and dusty in our house right now. Because it is. I mean, it IS a Construction Site  . . . .

 Tom seemed to really like this option. . . 

 Well Brad didnt like this option and Brad has more say than Tom so we went for the ALL WHITE stairs. I liked the wood, but I am ALWAYS up for all white anything so I was in. 

SO then we primed. . . 

Then we painted. . . 

And Painted. . .

Brad's sister Lindsey came over to help us paint, well actually she came over to hang out with us but NO ONE just hangs out with us at our house, we put everyone right to work! Be warned. 

We even put Dr. Dugan Houser, MD to work

We thought we were done with the priming and were just letting it dry when mysterious little pay prints started showing up on the white wood. . .we didn't know WHO could have done such a thing to us so we set out on an investigative search looking for the criminal. 

We put this in our evidence file. 

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