Nov 8, 2010

History Report

We have this dresser built into the hall wall upstairs, with drawers coming out of the wall, we are deciding whether to keep that or not, but this weekend we found THIS school paper in it. The couples son that grew up in this house wrote about the history of our new home for a school paper when he was young. Its really amazing to read. 

Get out your glasses, its worth a read. 

Is anyone else so sad that the first thing they did was take down the SCHOOL BELL!?!?! Where is that thing now? 

Also, playing school and playing Bingo have always been two of my favorite past times. This house was meant to be. Though I can't imagine Brad was very into playing school . . . .  or GOING to school for that matter. . . .  


Unknown said...

Offfff course your house's major history is with BINGO. when are we playing??? is lanny available to come over to be the MC?

Kyah ( said...

I'm a-lovin the blog! can't wait to see what you do with the kitchen!