Nov 29, 2010

If a tree falls on your house do you feel it?

Well luckily we didn't have to find out. . .last week we asked a couple of our friends and my brother Steve to come over and help us demo the kitchen. But on a late Friday night out, boys, being boys, decided what REALLY needed done was they just HAD to cut down some HUGE pine trees in our front yard. We are talking big. And as the night went on the importance of cutting the trees down became greater. So forget the kitchen, Steve and Pat (the one with the "tree expertise" Mr. Trustmeivedonethisbefore ) and Jason the tree climber came over Saturday afternoon with ropes and chain saws in hand. What happened could have been  . .  .oh. . .disaster. . .BUT just as Mr. Trustmeivedonethisbefore promised, it was flawless. One 6 story tree down, 2 to go. The yard already looks better!! Now one day we will get some real grass here!

the victim:

From the second story window

Mr. Trustmeivedonethisbefore dressed appropriately

My brother, a whiz with the chainsaw! Also came dressed appropriately. He loves a good costume party.

Look carefully!

 Ropes tied ready to pull in the ONLY direction it won't hit anything

And its DOWN. It was really something to see, which is why there are no pictures of it falling. hehe. Guess we will have to cut another down for some video footage. 

Success. All limbs in tact. OUR limbs that is. 

The Saturday work crew.

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