Feb 1, 2012

Our state of affairs

Under that star blanket is a hole into the bathroom. That big. That is our dust collector/privacy wall right now. 

Our drywall removal technique


This is PAT. Pat comes to help us a LOT. Mainly because we let him use chain saws in the house, cut down trees pretty much whenever he wants, build HUGE fires, and we told him he can move into the tree house he builds this spring.  

that WAS a closet wall. 

and this WAS a closet

aaaaaannnnddd that WAS a wall.

 Believe it or not, I have taken a bath in this very bathtub since this picture was taken. 

Tom surveys the "clean" "new" bathroom. What you can't see in this shot is him shaking his head. 

Tom STILL shaking his head. 

But as you can see, we just got ourselves a pretty darn big bathroom. 
(well. . . not pretty, pretty . . .but that will come)